Michael Raduga التطبيقات

Фазиленд 1.0.1
Michael Raduga
С детства мы привыкли думать, что сновидения —это пустяк, бессмысленные иллюзии, в которых мы лишены воли. С этимне согласен автор скандальных «Сказок о Фазиленде» Михаил Радуга.Основатель Школы внетелесных путешествий создал первые в миресказки, которые помогут вам и вашим детям узнать, как не боятьсястрашных снов, осознанно путешествовать в мире сновидений ииспользовать этот навык в самых разных сферах жизни.Since childhood, we usedto think that dreams - it's nothing, meaningless illusion in whichwe are deprived of will. Disagrees controversial author of "Talesof Fazilende" Michael Raduga. Founder of the School Travelextracorporeal created the world's first fairy tale that will helpyou and your children to learn how to not be afraid of nightmares,consciously travel in the world of dreams and use this skill invarious spheres of life.
The Phase 2.0.3
Michael Raduga
Free app with free articles, techniques and ebooks. This app is forthose who are interested in “out-of-body experience” (OOBE), “luciddreaming” (LD), and “astral projection” (AP) – only here they areall regarded as a single phenomenon: the Phase. No theorizing ornonsense here. Only what works in practice and nothing else! Thepractice of Phase states of the mind is the hottest and mostpromising pursuit of the modern age. Unlike in the past, thenotions of ”out-of-body experience”, “lucid dreaming” and ”astralprojection” have already lost their mystical halo, and their realbasis has been studied in minute detail from the most non-nonsenseapproach. Now, this phenomenon is accessible to everyone,regardless of their worldview. It is now known how to easily masterit and apply it effectively. This app and the books in it give eachand every person something that previously could only be dreamtabout – a parallel reality and the possibility of existing in twoworlds.
Phaser - Lucid Dreaming Launch 3.4
Michael Raduga
Innovative tools to start lucid dreaming practice tonight
M99 Health Test 1.8
Michael Raduga
Revealing chances of an early death, mental problems, obesity, andunhappiness